Saturday, September 27, 2014

Schedule for upcoming reviews

I think a planned schedule is necessary if i want to keep doing book review
Now, about "The Fault in our Stars" book review yesterday, it was kind of unplanned. I mean, yesterday morning i thought that since i already finished the book, why didn't i do a review of it? But what i didn't think about was that you have to review shortly after you read it
Well, obviously i didn't do that and i ended up forgetting most of the story in the book (don't worry though, i promised to do a re-review of it after reading the book again)
Anyway, i learn my lesson. I decided that if i want to do book review, i need to come up with a schedule for myself. So here it is, my schedule for next week review

Majin tantei Nogami Neuro

I know, it's a not a book but a manga....But what's the difference? It's still a proper story and i'm not picky when it comes to good story
Well, for this review, i'm not going to do just 1 volume but the whole series as i was in the middle  of finishing it
I swear, you guys will be in for a real treat. This manga is amazing
The review is going to come out on Thursday or maybe Friday
(Don't worry, this review will be a lot better than the last one)

Books i'm going to read next
I was so busy with college classes and reading "Majin Tentei Nogami Neuro" that i really haven't got a chance to read any books at all. But after i'm done with the manga and review, i intended to pick up two books. Of course i won't read two of them simultaneously, but one at a time

Yes, "The Abundance of Katherines" and "Paper Towns", two John Green books
It was right after reading "The Fault in our Stars" that i got curious about the author, John Green. I decided to find more about him and eventually i ended up becoming a Nerdfighter (more specifically a John Green's fan)
I'm quite excited because John Green's writing is humorous and realistic so i expect some of his greatness in these two books as well

There you go, my schedule probably for next week. It's going to busy as hell trying to tackle classes and books at the same time (and managing this website)

This will be me next week
Stay healthy guys, and good day to you all

DFTBA - Don't forget to be awesome

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