Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A very rant-y return

Well, it's really been a long time since my last post here. I wish my return here would be a lot more fun and on a positive not but unfortunately, I have a little bit of rant being bottled up inside that seriously need to be let out, or else I will explode. This rant is dedicated to an asshole of a professor of mine that teaches nothing but his false knowledge and lies.

What is the quality of an educator? Is it the ability to connect to your students? Or is it the ability to guide the young to their preferred path in life? Nope, all wrong, apparently the real quality of an educator is to intimidate your students, to talk down to them like you're levels above them and worst of all, to see them as nothing but means to get money

Oh yes, you saw it right. Those are the REAL qualities of being an educator. The reason why I said all of that? Well let's see, from what I have witnessed and gone through for the past few years, I can safely say that education has turned for the worst. And all of that happened not because of the study programs, oh no, the study programs are fine. The problem here lies in the system where the programs are being used. And when the system has problems, so do the educators. The teachers, the professors, they are starting to become the opposite of what are supposed to be

I don't even know how someone as biased, closed minded, unfair and partially crazy like you can become a professor. I'm really sorry but does your old ind get to you already? Does some of your throat cancer go to your brain and damage it? You try to intimidate your students and then you fear they might take revenge on you. You pathetic old man does not deserve the tittle of professor, let alone an educator. You look down on us students just because you think you have the age on us. I feel really sorry for your old ass if you think like that. Don't ever think like that because of one fact, just because you're older doesn't mean you're wiser or more knowledgeable, and by judging your actions, I think I can safely say you're worse than the worst of scums. You think you are a god inside the classroom, but realistically speaking, you're just a road we step on while we're finding our ways in life. It isn't disrespectful when I compare educators to roads. Good educators can be the cement roads: hard, reliable and safe. While bad ones are dirt roads: dirty, muddy and full of potholes. And you, professor, you're nothing but a big swamp: disgusting, dangerous and ready to sink us down to drown us.

I'd have written some more but really, what's the point to say it if the person you're writing this to doesn't even have an ounce of understanding of the language you're using. I'd make me more tired thinking about it. I will keep this short and clear. I hope you stinking "professor" have a good life and that you're dead before lungs cancer kills you.....Because death by cancer is too easy for you

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